Who We Serve

Whether we’re advocating for you as a buyer or seller, our objective is always the same: to create the deal that best fits your business and personal objectives. If you’re just as happy with your deal in the one, two, and five years after we’ve made it, we’ll know we’ve done our job well.

Focused Consulting Engagements

Our clients often bring us in to help close out or move existing deals forward. The most common cases involve sellers who already have buyers in place or buyers that have identified the businesses they want to pursue.  In these instances, when Acuity is serving in more of a specialty role, we implement the following four-step process:

Step 1. Determining Your Specific Needs
Since we are joining a deal already in progress, it is critical to understand what has already transpired and what still needs to be done in order to meet your objectives.  The logical first step is to have an in-depth conversation that includes the sharing of all fact-finding and data collection that has taken place.  (There is no cost for this meeting.)  
Step 2. Develop Milestones and Establish A Fixed-Cost Consulting Agreement
Based on your needs, we will develop a list of milestones for our engagement.  If you’re a seller, a typical milestone might be obtaining a Letter of Intent (LOI) from the potential buyer you’ve identified.  Another milestone could be the completion of an “Asset Purchase Agreement,” which includes obtaining related legal and closing documents and the transfer of funds for the closing. 

We will outline the milestones and objectives of our engagement in a formal fixed-cost consulting agreement. This document will include an assessment of the time needed to complete our agreed-upon milestones, and an associated fee for each one. 

This consulting agreement is designed to deliver complete transparency to our engagement, and should put us on the same page in terms of tasks, timelines and fees. 

Step 3. Execute the Assignment
Now that we know what needs to be done, we can put our heads down and start doing it. At this point, it’s just a matter of continually pushing forward until success has been achieved— one milestone at a time.
Step 4. Complete the Assignment/Celebrate Success
A lot of work goes into even the most congenial business transitions, which is why we’re big believers in taking a moment or two to celebrate our shared success. After that, it’s time to consider what’s next. Much of our work involves helping businesses continue to grow in their “next” life – whether it’s with new owners, an added division, or a new generation of family leadership.




Small & Medium Businesses Deserve Better

At Acuity, we believe that all businesses deserve high-quality service regardless of their gross annual revenue or earnings figures. With that in mind, we are dedicated to delivering top-quality professional M&A services to the hard-working small and lower middle-market business owners who are traditionally underserved in this field.

If you’re interested in buying or selling a business, we’d be happy to show you how we can help make your deal, and your life easier.

Call 260-615-1644 to schedule an initial consultation.